
Hi everyone! Just throwing a friendly reminder that Storm Hawks: Beginnings and Touch the Sky can now be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/AngstyThermostat


Hello all!
          It's been awhile...hasn't it? I have a major update for everyone. 
          You may have noticed that my Storm Hawks Fanfics have disappeared. Don't worry; they aren't gone forever! I've moved them over to Archive of Our Own, so all further updates will be posted there. You can find the link to my account in my profile.
          I'll be posting a new chapter to each one as often as I can, but for now, the first two chapters of each fic is published.
          Looking forward to finding you again on Ao3!


Just a heads up:
          I'm hitting the pause button on my SH origins story for a few weeks, because I've got something new and exciting in the works, and I want to give it a little extra attention. So, don't be alarmed; I'm not completely stopping the origins story; I just have to do some extra editing. I'll be posting new parts in a few weeks again. Keep an eye out for my new fanfic. :)


@Emi427 btw I would like to know if you let me do a novel with the same name but.... There's another thing you should of know 'bout me.. I'm Mexican. I speak Spanish, so If I'm gonna do a story almost like yours is gonna be a Spanish version and I hope you don't mind if I use the same tittle as yours. 


@AndreaElenaNezMansur CarlottaStudios has a Storm Hawks Beginnings story as well, but hers covers different parts than mine does (Highly recommend reading that one as well). You could always use a word that's similar to "beginnings". I just didn't want to use the word "Origins" because it's part of the show's episode. There are ways you can mix up the title so it's a little different. That way, you can make it your own, and to have to feel like you're copying off of anyone (which is also why I try to read as many fanfics I come across for this fandom, so when I write my own, they are original idea that don't sound like another story). If you're going to write a story, you have to make it your own.


@Emi427 it's really sad to know that... But okay then it's you the one who decide... It's your story after all, I'm really thankful to you for read my comment and answer me,it really meant a lot. I hope you continue it soon I'm really excited for read the next chapter, I can't wait, you have a grate imagination btw, don't let anyone to take your dreams down, you can count on me..... Honestly I believe you can do it, your imagination is pretty cool, I'm really impressed.


Hi guys,
          As always, thank you for reading my fan fictions, and if there's anything you'd like me to read, please don't hesitate to comment.
          Wow. The Skyknight Trials was such a loooong section in "Storm Hawks: Beginnings." Have you read it yet? What do you think of Lightning's Trials? Could you see his friends joining the Storm Hawks one day? What positions do you think they'll hold?
          The next section of the story will be the most fun. It will follow the adventures of Lightning Strike and the Storm Hawks, including how some of his friends joined the team. However, it's not all about head cannons. There's trouble on the horizon; something is coming for the Skyknights, and Lightning must learn the hard way how to make allies, even if it means breaking tradition- something not all the other Skyknights are happy to do. Stay tuned to learn how Lightning became known as the greatest Skyknight in al of Atmos, and how some of Cyclonia's most dangerous villains rose to power.


@AndreaElenaNezMansur Thank you for reading. I'm glad you like it so far! I planned this story to be about everything that happens before Lightning's death. In my opinion, Lightning really does die during that battle. As much as I wish he lived and is hiding out on an uninhabited terra somewhere, I've decided to stay true to the storyline of the show. The whole point of this story is to show everyone my vision of what the Storm Hawks were like. It's supposed to send the message that no matter how good of a warrior someone is, it's not their fault if they trust the wrong person. I'm very excited to get to the parts where Ace becomes "Dark" Ace. It'll be fun to write. :)
            The nice thing is that you could always write your own origins story where Lightning lives. You can describe your own theories about what happens (I know not everyone agrees with the head cannons I've written so far). If you do write it, let me know; I'd love to read it!


Hey,  i'm reading it right now.... And it's really cool, it's awesome...... But, would you do me a favor????  I know lightning strike actually dies at the begging of the tv show.. But I don't want him to die in the story.. I really don't, please would you think about something and don't kill him? Please 


Hi Everyone!
          Wow, it's been awhile, hasn't it? If you enjoy reading my Storm Hawks origins story, I have great news for you. I published two new parts this week, and more will be published soon (just have to edit them!). Let me know what you're thinking of it so far by leaving comments. Which part is your favorite? Do you have a favorite OC? Is Lightning's journey to Skyknighthood anything like you ever imagined? Does it suck? Let me know.
          Also, if there is anything you have published recently and would like me to read, send it my way. I'd love to read your stories.


Hi everyone!
          Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything. I've been very busy with two jobs, school, and marketing my novels, so all of this has been pushed to the side. However, it's looking like I'll have some free time coming up to share some new stories! I obviously plan on adding more to my Origins story. Once I have a few chapters written, I'll start posting. Keep your eyes peeled!


Hello world,
          I apologize for not updating as much as I did earlier in the summer. I'm getting ready to go back to school, and I'm also now the EIC of my school's Odyssey Online community. So, next week marks the start of 2 jobs, classes, and not a lot of free time to write anymore. I'll be sure to let you know when I do have new chapters, or even stories, posted.