
So to all my beautiful people who still care, I'm not dead. I had a not amazing year and kinda lost Wattpad in it, but I'm 16 now and I'm back. Starting up several other stories and even adding a few new ones if I have time because I also have a job! So life, boyfriend, theater, job, family, and internet...?? I'll find time somehow just work with me and wish me luck. I love you more than life itself and love the world even when it's shitty. (Also gonna try and become a YouTuber at emistar808 if you wanna subscribe and watch it all unfold) So I guess in the end just don't waste your pixy dust, and keep the world beautiful.


So to all my beautiful people who still care, I'm not dead. I had a not amazing year and kinda lost Wattpad in it, but I'm 16 now and I'm back. Starting up several other stories and even adding a few new ones if I have time because I also have a job! So life, boyfriend, theater, job, family, and internet...?? I'll find time somehow just work with me and wish me luck. I love you more than life itself and love the world even when it's shitty. (Also gonna try and become a YouTuber at emistar808 if you wanna subscribe and watch it all unfold) So I guess in the end just don't waste your pixy dust, and keep the world beautiful.


I need a new friend group, I broke up with my boyfriend and our circles were so interwoven that I am highly unable to keep most of the friends I had. If you like me, text me, I'll talk to anyone who wants to be a friend. Trying to escape my lonely summer... Thanks for caring if you do, and if not thanks for being alive anyway.


@rainbowglambert I have kik and use that more than anything else, but alright. Let's text on messages?


welcome back to wattpad!!


@zenflower54 That is amazing! We should go on messages.


@DarkAngel808 thats awesome! I got Bluetooth headphones and a new case for my phone. its purple black and white.


Hello, beautiful people who are personally inclined! Well I kinda fell of...everything except weighting for awhile so here's an update. @Nrhoekstra is my love, we're not fairing yet, but I want to be! @goomba12 still my bae. And @ BlackarrowNightmare he is now my kitten...he will lay on my desk every school day and have me pet him and stroke his hair...gotta love family...so yeah, less depressed by far, and I'm gonna try to wright more to whoever cares! Yay, we're still alive!


@DarkAngel808  My and @Nrhoekstra are not dating yet. I hate my phone.