
Hi Lovelies! Quick question, because quite frankly I'm stuck. Do you all want Jared to find the Feild Guide by himself, and have Selina find out he has it later, or have her find it with him? I have ideas for both, but I don't know which direction to go. 
          	Also, should the Dark Fae king already be aquainted with Selina or meet her for the first time in Maine? Again, I have ideas for both but i don't know which direction to go. ideas would be greately appriciated!


Hi Lovelies! Quick question, because quite frankly I'm stuck. Do you all want Jared to find the Feild Guide by himself, and have Selina find out he has it later, or have her find it with him? I have ideas for both, but I don't know which direction to go. 
          Also, should the Dark Fae king already be aquainted with Selina or meet her for the first time in Maine? Again, I have ideas for both but i don't know which direction to go. ideas would be greately appriciated!


hi lovelies...sorry about hardly any updates...my great grandmother is on her deathbed and we're all trying to spend as much time with her as possible...i promise i'll update when i can...
          oh... just out of curiosity...which stories do you want updated most?


@Middy5914 I just bought my new laptop, so an update should be coming soon <3


Hi lovelies!! I know its early...i'm sorry...but i have a question...do you want a dracula story, an avengers fanfic, or a modern romance thingy? just curious....


@Enthira ok! It's in the works, and i should have some chapters up either later today or tomorrow <3




Hello lovelies!!! bit of a mass update...i fixed the inconsistencies, and reposted all the chapters. more are coming, I promise. please be patient with me. i'm editing as fast as I can. Love you all! have a wonderful rest of your thursday <3


hi again lovelies! sorry about the no updates...I've been tweaking things...also college is hard...i noticed that there are inconsistancies with Love and War Book 1, so i'm going to unpublish it, fix them, then get it back up for you asap. hope everyone;s doing well <3


sorry for the inconvienence


Hi Lovelies. Sorry about the no updates...I've been having issues in my personal life  and haven't been able to get online and update. I am so sorry. When i get the chance, I will post as much as I can, I promise.


@Emi_Rose0324  I'm glad you're back :) I look forward to your next update