this message may be offensive
It’s the new year now, and I’m saying goodbye and good fucking riddance to 2023.
I hated that shit. I mean, I had fun, and I made friends, but I had like.. the worst anxiety in my life. I thought everyone (and that means EVERYONE! Including my damn roleplay crew) hated my guts and wanted me dead. Couldn’t go outside without closing the garage without fear of being robbed. Stressed every time I got a B.
Am I still gonna do all that shit in 2024? Fuck yeah! It’s not like I can magically cure anxiety. So this year, and every year on as I get older and sadder, is gonna fucking suck, or at least not be “perfect” or even “great”.
I can’t say this shit on my main account where I’ve got 200+ followers, but on this little bitch with like 20? Hell yeah.
I’m drained! I’m tired! I sit on my ass all day! I’m anxious! I don’t know what the actual hell I’m doing with my life! I’m LAZY! I can’t take a fucking step without reminding myself of what I should be doing.
And yet somehow I’m supposed to pretend I’m like, the world’s most happy go lucky person? Fuck me.
Happy damn new year everybody. And no. I don’t care if it’s the 2nd for you. It’s the 1st for me.