
Ahh,, I’ve not been active on here and I’ve not been active on Tumblr at all but I’m picking things up again and to see that my book University Life - Erik Lenhsherr has hit #2 on the hot-list of the tag #michaelfassbender is amazing,, thank you all so much!


Hey everyone!
          I just realised something and I thought I should let you guys know. 
          When I write one shots, or just stories, I actually always write a story for a female reader. I never really thought about it and it goes quite automatically cuz I'm a girl myself. But please, if you want a story written for a male reader, let me know. I'd love to write stories for male readers as well!
          Just wanted to let y'all know xx


Heya, it’s been a while.
          I’ve got this story in my head and it’s about Eddie Vedder. Would you guys read it?
          I’m probs gonna publish it anyways when it’s all written down, but still. Lemme know your thoughts on it.


Thinking about starting a book dedicated to the Harry Potter fandom..
          Me, myself, am a very big HP fan and I would definitely enjoy writing one-shots of my favourite people.
          What do y’all think? Please let me know!
          (Like dm me your opinion or if you’re interested..)
          Xoxo Emie