
Just uploading everything and leaving it there, you’re welcome :D


Well it's been a while! My tastes have changed dramatically since I last posted a book, but I wanted to say hello! I'd love to start posting again so I'm going to try my best to start doing that again - however (always a but), my life has also changed a lot since last posting so there are higher priorities, I'll try a schedule but they always seem to collapse for me so all I can do is try my best. I've had a new book idea from my new obsession with the sport cricket so I'll work on that for now and maybe I'll come up with more ideas for other books (if I find motivation to do so), cheers!


Writing was fun whilst it lasted but after hearing a lot of news about Marshall today, I don’t fee comfortable writing my Walk Off the Earth stories. Maybe one day I’ll re-publish but right now I need to take a step away from writing. 
          I’ll still be knocking around reading your guys books though - y’all are way more talented than me that’s for sure!
          Right, see you soon!


I don’t update often, I know. But I hope that you still enjoy my books as I work so hard on them. (I know that the Walk Off the Earth books aren’t as popular so I may end it soon I don’t know, I was going to write one more book after this one)
          If you want to see me live (and watch me make a fool out of myself live on stream), make sure you follow me if you search up GalacticMoonPlays and hopefully I’ll see you there!
          Part 2


So, I’ve always been honest with you guys. And this isn’t different. The last 7 months I’ve had people constantly messaging me if I’m ok, whether I’m going to continue to update my books, and if I’m going to be back fully on Whattpad. 
          Well. The honest answer is, I don’t know. 
          This is because I have main priorities that have taken over my life. And a MASSIVE one is how I’ve become a Twitch streamer!
          Twitch is a place for content creators to chat to their viewers, play games, and have an amazing time whilst its all streamed live! 
          Part 1


As it has just turned midnight here, it’s just turned my 1 year anniversary here on Whattpad, and my days what a journey it’s been! Started off with my Season 8 ideal story, followed by my Richelle’s DanceMania Re-Write, then My Adopted Dream, and finally what I’m currently writing now, Born To Be On Stage! I wouldn’t change it for the world, and my journey really only has just begun! To celebrate, I’m going to be reposting my Richelle’s DanceMania Re-Write, I hope you enjoy it, I also hope that you continue to enjoy reading Lola-Mai’s story! Thank you so much for all the support, and I’ll see ya soon!!


Its out, enjoy it!


That’s amazing, @EmiliaRose28! Lola-Mai’s story is fantastic, and I can’t wait to read the Dancemania rewrite again! 