
I really should pay better attention to my feed, because I don’t go on here for a few days because I moved and spent my free time unpacking, I come back and there’s almost 200 notifications to sift through.


Hello all followers/faithful readers/fans/people who randomly stumbled across my page. Let me again say THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU for the continued attention “Notice Me” has received! I never thought the book would be so popular, and I’m glad you are all enjoying it so much. 
          In regards to that, allow me to touch base on some things I’ve noticed. One, I will not tolerate negativity or slander thrown my way for any reason. If the story bothers you, then don’t read it. There’s no need to give me hate in the process. Second, I know many of my readers dislike the character Kadyn as well as Niall’s role in the story. But as it is my story, I felt that the inclusion of them and what they do is crucial. You don’t have to like it, but I don’t appreciate the negativity thrown at my book for it. Please refrain from hurtful tone and destructive criticism when commenting. 
          On more positive subjects, I am making a Lashton fanfic soon, and I would love to hear from you, dear readers, on what you would like the dynamic to be. Should it be an AU? Should there be a certain dynamic? Whatever tickles your fancy, feel free to send me a message, and anyone who gives me a suggestion will get a shoutout/chapter dedication. 
          Talk soon! KTHXBYEEEEEEE!!


Hey, all. First off, let me say thank you times a MILLION for the votes, comments, and reads on Notice Me! I never thought it would be this popular so a thank you to everyone who’s reading it and supporting it.
          Which brings me to my next topic. First, I know the “sick Niall wear a mask” text conversation in the book has NOT aged well with the current state of affairs in the world. The comments on that are hilarious though so thanks for making me laugh, but I might edit it to not be such an inadvertent but obvious corona reference. Second, I understand that the Narry relationship, Kadyn’s extra personality/relationship with Michael, and Louis deciding he loves Harry bothers some people, and that’s okay. But please, negativity will not be tolerated and if you wish to read my book, keep your criticisms constructive and polite. Positivity is something I like to keep consistent, so the reading can be enjoyable for everyone and the comment section continues to be as lovely as you all have made it thus far. 
          Lastly, if anyone is interested in helping me edit NM, just hit me up in my message box, we’ll talk. 
          Love you all, XTHXBIEEEEEEE! 


Oh! HEY. What’s up? Lol I’m not the kind of person who gets all chatty on here, but I have to get this off my chest or I might explode!
          Thank you thankyouTHANKYOU to everyone who has read, is reading, have voted, commented on, and/or added Notice Me to their reading lists. I never imagined it would be so popular, or that it would rank so highly on the lists it can appear on! It’s nice to know that people are reading and enjoying a story I had so much fun writing, so much that I can’t fully express it in words. THANK YOU times a million, and I am so grateful to all of you! 
          So much in fact that I may write more Larry (or Lashton) fics in the future, but for now just THANK YEEEWWWW!


Wow. Um, okay, hi?  I'm going to be real with you guys, Wattpad has become more of a place for me to read and edit than write.  I write a ton, but with college being behind me and my life getting busy, I don't feel the desire to work on my wattpad stuff nearly as much.  
          But I'm not disappearing, I promise.  I've finally gotten to a point with all my outside work where time to work on here and be a certain someone's beta is opening up.  
          As far as it goes for my single Stylinson fic...you'll see. ;)


I just looked at my notifications for the first time in forever.  Everyone who is reading my works, voting, commenting, and following me, thank you so much!  I know I'm not super popular around here, but I am so grateful to every person who has put one of my books in their library, voted on a chapter, commented, or even just taken a few minutes to click on one of my works and read.  Thank you all so much, and I hope to hear and see more from you all!