
Little life update
          	Got engaged to my boyfriend of five years (CRAZY)
          	My best friend (my family dog) Axle, passed and it’s been rough but I’m slowly getting better. 
          	I got a raise
          	I’m hoping to get a promotion at work (pretty sure I’m going to get it)
          	We moved into a house with a basement and a pool
          	We got a new cat  (that makes 3) her name is Pepper (I call her pebber) 
          	I got a dog his name is Kova and he’s a sweetheart. 
          	That’s about it. I’m trying so hard to write but i feel like I’m in a permanent writers block. Anyways how are y’all doing? I’ve missed y’all. 


@Emilly465 We've missed you too! CONGRATS ON GETTING ENGAGED! Sorry about the dog. Mine passed away in April :( Hope you have  a great day!


Little life update
          Got engaged to my boyfriend of five years (CRAZY)
          My best friend (my family dog) Axle, passed and it’s been rough but I’m slowly getting better. 
          I got a raise
          I’m hoping to get a promotion at work (pretty sure I’m going to get it)
          We moved into a house with a basement and a pool
          We got a new cat  (that makes 3) her name is Pepper (I call her pebber) 
          I got a dog his name is Kova and he’s a sweetheart. 
          That’s about it. I’m trying so hard to write but i feel like I’m in a permanent writers block. Anyways how are y’all doing? I’ve missed y’all. 


@Emilly465 We've missed you too! CONGRATS ON GETTING ENGAGED! Sorry about the dog. Mine passed away in April :( Hope you have  a great day!


Okay so I’ve been rewatching/rereading all of the Twilights (I know it’s old and cringy but I love them so fight me) and I’m very very very tempted to write a fanfic. 


@Emilly465 Literally SAME! I've had the unexplainable need to watch them????
            Is there a full moon or something? 


Ok but literally like 5-6 of my friends and EVEN MY MOTHER has rewatched twilight in the past week like ??? Is it a comeback? 


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@Emilly465 me and my best friend have been rereading and annotating the twilights these last couple weeks what the fuck?


Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your series on Thomas Sangster and Autumn was amazing. You did so well with the story plot and just the stories all in all. I absolutely loved binge reading them. 
          Well done ❤


Haha thank you!!! I wrote them when I was like 14-15 so sorry if it was super cringy lol. I’m happy my stories are still making people happy.  