
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas holiday! Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and lots of success in the future. Missing Wattpad so hopefully I'll drop some new work soon. Xx 


Hey, you have previously said on your account that Project Gemini is on your second account? Could you tell me what your second account is? 


@scorpio_lisa Hello friend ✋ how are you doing today?


@EmilyCharlotteCooledge I've missed you lady! Hope you're enjoying your holidays too ❤️


@helloitsmeabby_ I really wish for snow! Hoping the weather from the US is going to come here, it usually does, just a few weeks behind. I'm hoping to reboot writing, just gotta kill that inner editor and find some time first :') 


@emilycharlottecooledge it's been snowing like mad here and it's FREEZING lol. You should follow that urge! 


@helloitsmeabby_ Missed you too! It's been so oddly quiet without Wattpad. Up to my eyes in work but still got a little urge to write every now and then. Hope you've got some snow!  x 


Hi folks,
          Popping out of my radio silence period, sorry for dropping off the grid for a bit.
          A few things have changed since summer. 
          I'm in my final year of university and swamped in work and assignments, so sadly I had to leave the wonderful Ambassador team guided by the fab Gav @TheOrangutan and Katherine @KatherineArlene -- but will always be grateful for the skills they've given me and the amazing team I was a part of. Highly recommend checking out @Ambassadors if you ever run into any issues on here.
          Secondly, as for writing, truth be told I wasn't enjoying it for the past year and was writing something that didn't turn out how I originally planned it to turn out. Pressure to write to the standard expected of me eventually broke my love for writing, and ended up with it grinding to a halt. 
          So what's going to happen to PROJECT GEMINI? The version that's on my profile will remain, but there will be a different version that'll be posted on this profile [or on my second profile] that'll have quite a few tweaks, (and be more similar to how I originally envisioned the book). I can only apologise for the disappointment and the delays that have come with writing this book, and the messing around when it comes to reading Eva's and Kingsley's story. 
          How soon will this new version be up? Honestly I'm not sure. My goal currently, off-Wattpad, is travelling with my sisters, working towards applying for a PhD and beyond, and building my academic career. 
          I may post some short-stories on this profile in the meantime, or on my second profile, but that all depends on how much time I have while I juggle university and work at once. 
          How's best to contact me? Twitter or via PMs. Comments and bits that come via Wattpad emails like that will disappear in my swelling Gmail box. 
          I'd just like to thank everyone for their support over the past six years on Wattpad, and for being along for the journey. You've all been amazing. I'm so sorry for the disappointment. 
          E x


@EmilyCharlotteCooledge Well whatever you decide, you have my support!


@KatherineArlene Very true. It's just a part of life. Wattpad's taken me from GCSEs right up until a potential PhD so it's been on hell of a journey :') 