
What if I just wrote a story about a weirdly Likeable serial killer. What then.


Wattpad has officially stripped us of DMs :/


@EmilyFaudet it's retiredtrickster


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@UnamoosedEmo how is tumblr even MORE glitchy  what’s your username that shit is not popping up 


RIP the start of it all lmao. Just followed


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Sooooo wattpad is gonna start charging people for fanfics now? Isn’t the point of fanfics to bring fans together and fantasize about a different universe in which their favorite characters exist? That’s so fucked up to me, is it just me? I’m all for supporting artists but THAT is how they’re gonna do it?


@-harringrove- Yeah, I read it on their update details that certain books are going to have to be bought either chapter by chapter or “in bulk” for the whole book.


I need to write more. I haven't written anything in months and it sucks. I have all these ideas, but every time I go to write I either get distracted or I'm unable to continue the idea. A friend of mine suggested a "1,000 words a day" challenge, and I said I would do it, but I still haven't and it's been weeks. I miss knowing what I wanted to do with my life. 


“What’s your favorite form of punctuation? The Oxford comma? The semi colon?” They ask curiously, legs crossed as they sip their overly priced coffee. They stare at me, eyebrows raised expectantly as they sip from their mug. 
          “Don’t be an idiot.” I say with an eye roll, as I lean forward and rest my arms on the table. “It’s the interrobang.” I say, looking them dead in the eye. Their eyebrows knit together confusedly. 
          “Interrobang.” I whisper. Their eyes widen before squinting at me like I was kidding. “Interrobang.” I draw out.
          “Okay... Lets move on with the interview shall we? Why do you want to work at the New York Times™?” They ask, suddenly slightly flustered and confused.
          “To get the Interrobang more widely recognized.” I say, refusing to break eye contact.