I’m celebrating 10 years on Wattpad next month! 
          	It’s crazy to think that I’ve been writing and posting for 10 years. My writing has most definitely improved in those years haha. Writing has always been an outlet for me. And I have a huge surprise coming for all my Harry Potter fans on here. I’m currently writing my longest fic ever. It may have to be posted into 2 books, seeing as it’s set over an almost 30 year span! I still have plans to continue My Heart Is An Arrow, so be on the look out for a new chapter to be posted this Saturday! 


@_Ktje_ happy belated birthday! 


@EmilyGSMH get you completely. Almost 9 years on wattpad, 3 years into writing and tomorrow turning 23yo 


@_Ktje_ thank you! I find it hard to believe that ten years has passed, and that I’m 26 now 


I’m celebrating 10 years on Wattpad next month! 
          It’s crazy to think that I’ve been writing and posting for 10 years. My writing has most definitely improved in those years haha. Writing has always been an outlet for me. And I have a huge surprise coming for all my Harry Potter fans on here. I’m currently writing my longest fic ever. It may have to be posted into 2 books, seeing as it’s set over an almost 30 year span! I still have plans to continue My Heart Is An Arrow, so be on the look out for a new chapter to be posted this Saturday! 


@_Ktje_ happy belated birthday! 


@EmilyGSMH get you completely. Almost 9 years on wattpad, 3 years into writing and tomorrow turning 23yo 


@_Ktje_ thank you! I find it hard to believe that ten years has passed, and that I’m 26 now 


Sorry I haven’t posted lately! As you all know, I had surgery a little over a month ago. Now ya girl is getting a divorce! So I’ve been busting my butt at work, trying to find a 2nd job, while taking care of my 2 y/o AND packing up all my belongings. So please be patient, I plan on moving Saturday. So maybe Saturday night or Sunday night I’ll have a new chapter of MHIAA posted 


@MayaBishop_is_myWife writing is my “therapy”, but my brain and body is fried at the moment. I promise I’m not neglecting my stories lol I just have a lot going on at the moment. BUT, vacation is soon so I will try to post a few chapters while I’m relaxing 


omg girl don’t be worrying about wattpad when you’ve got that much going on!! i swear you lot are dedicated to be writing while all this is going on  love your writing though and sending my love and support 


Hello friends! I’m officially a week post op and I’m feeling GREAT! I’ve been doing A LOT of writing for My Heart Is An Arrow. I plan on putting all three books into one long book. We’re almost finished with book one, and I can’t wait for you to see the twists and turns and surprises I have planned for you in book two! Much love 


@ EmilyGSMH  ♥️


Ok friends! Tomorrow is surgery day. I will try to write as much as possible, but I can’t make any promises. Send up good thoughts for a speedy recovery 


I hope your surgery went well


i hope your surgery went wel!!


@ EmilyGSMH  lot of sleep always a solution ans water


Hi friends. I’m once again sorry I haven’t been posting. My health has taken a turn. I will have to have surgery soon. The surgeon should be calling me by the end of the week, and we’ll be setting up an appointment to talk about the surgery date. 


im a little late but i hope your okay and healthy  sending you lots a luck!!


@EmilyGSMH Oh dear, praying everything goes well for you. Speed recovery and hope u get back to your daily life soon. Lots of prayers 


Hey guys! Just a heads up. If you comment incorrect info on my stories, I will let you know that the info that you’re spreading is incorrect. And if you send me a message to reply to my correction of your information, don’t block me so I can let you know that I appreciate your comment  but apparently letting one person know that they’re incorrect, results in me losing a follower ‍♀️
          Anyway, I appreciate my mature followers who don’t act irrationally when they’re corrected. 
          Love you all