
The fourth and final installment of Tales from Tauren is up now!  Please take a look and let me know what you thought. :)


Just posted the second installment of TALES FROM TAUREN, a companion piece to The Breton Boys full of folk stories from Reid and Oliver's mythical homeland.  Each chapter will focus on one of the four countries of Tauren.  In this week's installment, we visit Hollenmere's neighbor to the north: Fairevale.  Please check it out and let me know what you think!


At last...Reid and Oliver's story has come to a close.  Please take a peek at the final chapter of THE BRETON BOYS.  But just because we've reached the end of the Bretons journey, doesn't mean we have to forsake Hollenmere just yet.  Starting next week, I will begin publishing a short series of vignettes, all set in the different countries of Tauren.  Stay tuned!


"A mighty cry rose up from the Waterleaf Hollow Company as they unsheathed their swords and raised them, gleaming, into the sunlight. Their cheers were echoed by the troops from every hollow as each captain galvanized his company. But when the last echo faded into the hills, an eerie silence descended upon them. All was still."
          New chapter of THE BRETON BOYS up now!  We're getting close to the end...please take a look and let me know what you think. :)