
I hope you all liked the myth of the winter’s child. I have been working on it for a while and I might go back and read it though at some point. But I really enjoy writing so I’m working on something new but it might be a while before I post again. Have good day


I hope you all liked the myth of the winter’s child. I have been working on it for a while and I might go back and read it though at some point. But I really enjoy writing so I’m working on something new but it might be a while before I post again. Have good day


Hey I have uploaded the epilouge and the first chapter of The Myth Of The Winter's Child. It's about Cassidy and how her and Bucky form a father daughter relasionship. I really hope you like it becasue I have had this idea for a long time. <3


I have a writer’s block On my story. I don’t really know what to do with Bucky and Rebecca, so I have decided to put that aside and start a new book. It’s going to be Bucky x daughter I’m really excited to plan out the story and write it