I wanted to let you guys know why I haven't been updating very much and what happened that made my have to stop writing.
So in the last year and a half I lost two of my Best Friends who's names are Courtney and Samarra. I got bullied and hated myself which made me start self harming and become suicidal. My grandfather died a few days before Christmas this year. I lost two people who I loved dearly that I can no longer talk to with out getting in HUGE trouble. My parents divorced. My bio dad and I are always fighting (like yelling at each other). I've had to take care of my siblings a lot and the youngest (5) called my mom a lot on accident because my mom was never around a lot and after work she was always super tired so I was the ring leader. I found many passions that I wanted to try but couldn't because of how tight time and money was. I started writing my own books with my own ideas and characters, I've started to sew, I love drawing, singing, dancing and want to be a mental health doctor along with a firefighter.
I will update again soon I promise! Love you guys ♥️♥️♥️