Hello, my name is Emily. I joined Wattpad in the beginning simply as a reader, fully enjoying the stories that live here and those that expand past this site. Writing a newfound but very loved hobby of mine. I've decided that I would like to share some of my wild ideas that had turned into stories here. 

I write mainly in the fantasy genre, dipping into science fiction as well as fiction from time to time. The mature rating will be added to any of my stories that include any mature themes or high swearing. I tend to stay on the safer side so many of my works will end up with that rating simply because sometimes, I don't know what other people decide to be too mature. This regards mainly any violence scenes but it caries over to swearing or adult ideas that may come across in a book. If you are worried about highly mature themes, I will have warnings in place so those parts can be skipped if desired.

I am always open for helpful critiques on any of my works or even something here on my profile. I am far from perfect and I want to get better. Please point out any errors and I'm always happy to hear suggestions.

Most of my books will be part of a series. I find I have a hard time limiting a story to just one single book, so unless stated, there will likely be more books coming in that series. I am writing in my free time so updates will not be regular. With a job and my new puppy, the time I have to write is sparse.

I hope you enjoy the stories I have here and I hope you find some new works to enjoy in my reading lists!
  • USA
  • JoinedJune 28, 2021

6 Reading Lists