
          	No, you are awesome ;) that is why you get the votes :D
          	Love love love your sotry, can't wait for more! 
          	Ps. Still love Jared.. I hope he becomes 'good' again :'( xxx


          Oh fab! cant wait for more :)
          -big hugs- you are amazing ! you better believe it ;) -nom nom.. Mmmmmmm...cooookiiiee- 
          omg, i love Colonition (i think thats how it is spelt lol) it is amazing.. I'm still unsure of exactly what is going on as to why they are in the situation..but that is kind of the point :P
          Can't wait for more on both books! Muwahh <3


I guess it would be nice to explain why they're in nests, but that wouldn't be fun (: LOL


          Omg how could i not?! Seriously, love it :) your writing style is amazing, love how you portray your characters too. 
          Can not wait for more! Have you started book 2? If so i'll get to it straight away! :D 
          Really, keep up the great work, love your story. You are extremely talented. I'll check out your other stories too if you have some :) xXx


Emily this has literally made my day, you don't what the rainy weather has made me feel lol. Thank you so much ! -hugs- ! And yes book 2 is in progress :D Thank you again for the fantastic support ! -GIVES COOKIE-


Love you Nessy and thank you xx I will upload.it.on monday.. I know i said i would upload it saturday but ive been in hospital cuz i passed out and they think i have diabetes just waiting for results :/ i will do it tomorrow though 
          ((hugzz)) ♥♡♥♡♥