
@uniquelysecret (: same! 


Guys! Check out "Summer For The Belle's" Chapter 2 is out(; Got a little romance/tension happening in that chapter! Hope you all like it! and don't forget, if you're a fan of Crazy Little Thing Called Love, check out the sequel posted now!(:


You guys... I don't even know what to say, or how to phrase this exactly. So I'm just going to poor my heart out. I don't know if any of my beautiful, amazing, lovely fans will read this. But I am AMAZED to say, "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" has reached 20,000. Do you have any idea how much that means to me? All of those reads. Each and every single one counts to me. I'm so blessed. Here I am, a 14 year old teenager, who's dream is to atleast have 15 people read my book, and I'm staring at 20,000! This is my dream! you guys, I can't believe this. But I am so happy. God bless you all!(: I love you. <3