There is a place where everything is possible. That place is our imagination.

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Postoji mjesto gdje je sve moguće. To mjesto naša je mašta.
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Hello dear wanderer!
Whatever reason brought you here - WELCOME!
Here, have a cookie... 🍪
🖊️ Who am I, you ask? Well, in short, I was born in the 1980s, I'm a teacher by day, amateur writer by night.
🌿 I'm a big nature lover; nature is a very common motif in my stories. Don't believe me? Go check for yourself.
🌍 I also like made-up worlds. It was those worlds that brought me to this place starting with 'W' in the first place.
🇭🇷 What's that other language on the covers of some of my stories, you wonder? That would be Croatian - my native language.
💙 There's only thing left for me to say - Let my imagination take you to a journey through my dreams...

A ako ne razumiješ što piše ovdje iznad, ne brini.
Baš mi je drago što si tu - želim ti dobrodošlicu!
Uzmi kolačić... 🍪
🖊️ Pitaš se tko sam? Pa, ukratko, rođena sam 1980 i neke, danju sam učiteljica, noću amaterska spisateljica.
🌿 Velik sam ljubitelj prirode; ona je vrlo čest motiv u mojim pričama. Ne vjeruješ mi? Idi i provjeri!
🌍 Volim izmaštane svjetove. Upravo su me ti svjetovi doveli na ovo mjesto čije ime počinje slovom 'W'.
💙 Želim ti reći još samo jedno - Dopusti mi da te moja mašta povede na putovanje kroz moje snove...
  • Croatia
  • JoinedFebruary 11, 2018

Last Message
EminaRus EminaRus Mar 12, 2021 07:30PM
Pozdrav svima!Nadam se da ste dobro i da ste zdravi. Sada i iz osobnog iskustva mogu reći - Covid-19  sucks! Uzima volju za pokrenuti se i guši kreativnost. Nakon poduže pauze, evo novog poglavlja...
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Stories by Emina Rus
Call of the Water (COMPLETE) by EminaRus
Call of the Water (COMPLETE)
There is a whole world Azora has yet to discover. That is our world. The times have changed, humans have chan...
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Zov vode (DOVRŠENA) by EminaRus
Zov vode (DOVRŠENA)
Postoji cijeli svijet koji Azora tek mora otkriti. To je naš svijet. Vremena su se promijenila, ljudi su se p...
ranking #1 in fantazija See all rankings
Did you ever feel like someone else was orchestrating your life? Like someone else is pulling the strings, an...
ranking #450 in maleprotagonist See all rankings
6 Reading Lists