

I appreciate it hun thank you!!! Hopefully soon I will be able to update. 


I know I’m late but I just read your whole book and I love it and I hope u will continue when u have the time!



I appreciate it hun thank you!!! Hopefully soon I will be able to update. 


I know I’m late but I just read your whole book and I love it and I hope u will continue when u have the time!


Hey, so I know I’ve been gone for a while and I really do apologize you guys. Writer's block is REAL. I’m struggling a lot with writing at the moment and it makes it even harder when I’ve published three different books and haven’t finished any of them. None of them are even close to being finished. And one I am fully rewriting. I really wanna just focus on one book but it’s so hard when I have some ideas for each of them. I am going to try to figure out what I’m gonna do. I will try to be back at writing at some point. It’s just tough with life and work. But please know I am still here and if any of you need anything, please reach out. I apologize for being inactive. I feel like I had a full plan with desire and my last chapter I feel was messy. It didn’t make any sense. I might redo the last chapter and change some things up a bit. but we will see. Anyway, thank you, guys, for your patience. ❤️


I’ll always be patient if you need this time take it but can’t wait for when you come back. 


I am going to be taking a break. I am going to try and slowly update chapters but I won’t be on here as much. I know a lot of people will be disappointed and probably mad (since I’ve gotten some messages…) but work is really crazy and my life right now is a little rocky. I will try to update soon, updates will be slow on ‘Desire.’ And ‘Dangerously In Love.’ Again, I apologize and appreciate all of the love and support, the reads, comments and messages. Thank you  


I’m hope I’m the future life get easier for you I understand this can be tough and we’re willing to be patient so please take the time you need to find a strong and stable path in life ❤️



Updates will be soon I promise for the delay. Had to put down my dog this Monday which wasn’t fun. So, I’ve  been out of it and been busy with work. But I promise I’ll be updating soon.  


@ilovedchild thank you ❤️ 


@Eminemz1 aw I'm sorry to here that iv been there and its not easy take your time we can wait


@Aileen964 thank you ❤️