


@EminenceGhost dude warn me next time i almost had a damn heart attack!!




@EminenceGhost dude warn me next time i almost had a damn heart attack!!


Just released my new book that I meant to publish like two weeks ago! I've been wanting an excuse to exercise my ability to write something on the more violent side, so prepare for it to get very murder-y. The first few chapters of Mumbo the Pacifist will be on the tamer side, but it's going to (hopefully) keep building! My first (and probably my only lets be honest) fic that isn't ship-centric!


Thank you everyone so much for your patience as of late! I know I said January project, but school has been far busier than I anticipated! But finally, the wait is over! The sequel to my hero au titled I Did Something Bad is here!! I hope you're all just as excited as I am about this!
          I will also be going back into the first book and editing a few grammar mistakes and other such minor details! 
          And I have another book that is very close to being ready to be published, that one will be a later-in-the-week endeavor, I'm hoping by Saturday? We'll see!