Hi guys, well I really don't know what to write but I will try. I'm Eming. I'm 14 years old. I'm a female :p I live on a small island in the middle of the Indian ocean.
Why are you on watt pad?
because my friends are and I have to check on one of them(justcreativelyinsane if you know her then I can tell you that you're lucky!!!)
what kind of books you like to read?
um, can we skip that part? oh okay, then I will say that I like sensible books.
do you have many friends on watt pad?
Nope... I have just entered so......
do you like to eat?
Are you kidding me?!!!!! Obviously yes!!!!
do you like animals?!
Yeah I do!
are you pretty?
its you to judge however it may be difficult as you cant see me.
Are you single?
Yes I am.
Do you have a crush?
No, not at all.
are you going to continue to write?
Are you going to continue to write?
oh so you want me to stop! you're so mean! you know what, I QUIT!!!!
I think that I got my answer.