@KaiyaMurasaki WOAHHH?!?! now i really gotta work with you! Ugh, how do we chat on a chatting platform Can you like download disc? That way idk your real name until we actually get to know each other :2
@Emiyo_Chiyo mine love for thou shalst never wither. As winter comes and autumn goes my heart remains the same. A mere utterance of thine name creates a flurry of joy within mine soul. Mineself would walk across a field of nails just to hear thee one more time. The sun never falters and neither shall my love for you.
@KaiyaMurasaki WOAHHH?!?! now i really gotta work with you! Ugh, how do we chat on a chatting platform Can you like download disc? That way idk your real name until we actually get to know each other :2
@Emiyo_Chiyo mine love for thou shalst never wither. As winter comes and autumn goes my heart remains the same. A mere utterance of thine name creates a flurry of joy within mine soul. Mineself would walk across a field of nails just to hear thee one more time. The sun never falters and neither shall my love for you.