
@imagost thanks! :) 


Well hey, I guess. I made a few mistakes. I regret them all for sure. There's nothing I can do to change them though. I'm just alone, broken, and done. Now I didn't wrote this for pity because that's disgusting. I just wrote this to apologize. Sorry I screwed up, sorry I'm me pretty much. I also wrote this because I want to send a message to everyone. People make mistakes, but just because they did something wrong doesn't mean you have to make them feel like they should end their lives. Some people can't smile like you can. Some people can't be happy or okay. Not now. Some people are going through terrible things and we still treat them badly. So please just help someone out. 


Hola friends, as you can see I posted my first story...
          It's a short story, not much to it just decided to publish it. I will be posting my stories, not sure when I would like to complete them before posting them. Anyways, have a great summer!!!! Wanna talk? Message me, I'm here to help and I'm here to talk!! 
          Yellow Tomatoes and Goodbye!