
Hello author,
          I just finished reading the book Are you mine ? and I loved it . Tbh I really liked Tyler's character and you even said that there'll be a sequel where he is going to be the main character. I am waiting for that book . Like dying for that sequel. Lots of love .


I loved ‘Are you mine’ and saw you have posted more chapters on an app called galatea and i have downloaded it but i cant find you book is there any way i can find it


Hi! The full story is here on wattpad now. I used to have the book on Galatea and just a three chapter preview on here, but im not on Galatea anymore and the full story is now on wattpad. Im glad you enjoyed it!! 


Hi, why did you take down Are you mine? It's really interesting I was looking forward to reading more, it was recommended by a friend and I'm quite Frankly disappointed it's no more available please bring it back 


@Maya2n5m Sorry it took, but I had to wait for my contract to end before I could put it back up for free. I'll be putting the story back up on wattpad over the next couple of days