
Go follow @bellaluvz2dance she's in the making of a good story... not published yet though :/


@Olivia_Thompson345  im not trying to change your mind Olivia. Im just saying that im not like that. Maybe you intepreted my comment the wrong way... I cant change how other people think. Your an individual person who makes her own decisions that i have no control over. You saw what you saw, and i know what i wrote and how it was meant to be interpreted. @thecuteone_xo knows what i meant and she even thanked me for standing up for her.... I can even send you a screenshot of the messages. If you think about it and read all of the messages sent back and forth between @thecuteone_xo and me youll understand that there was no bullying going on at all. I stand very strongly for anti-bullying as i was bullied myself.
          Stay Beautiful❤