Hi everyone!! Thank you so much to everyone who bought and read The House on Finvoy Road whether it was through ebook or on paperback and all the feedback I got on it was so amazing Out of it all, on the book I had reached a total of 160 sales which is just unbelievable and astounding! Thank you for all your support! As you'll all see, I've taken my story "Scary Mary" off Wattpad now as it is now officially available to buy on Amazon both as an ebook and as a paperback book and I'm so excited for peeps to read and review this one as it has changed A LOT since I first wrote it and published it on here last year. I'll post the link for both the ebook version and the paperback version here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scary-Mary-Emma-McElreavey-ebook/dp/B0B2FKYH4K/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=1FTJSM4K27EV4&keywords=Scary+Mary+Emma+mcelreavey&qid=1654019425&sprefix=scary+mary+emma+mcelreavey%2Caps%2C597&sr=8-1