Don't you just hate when people lie to you? [Vent]
Ok my mom said she would be back in 20 minutes when she had to go inside of the library but I didn't believe her cause she always lies to me and she very rarely tells the truth. So I told her to keep the keys in the car so I could continue to charge while she's gone but she simply said something along the lines of "girl no, stop" as if i was being overly dramatic for requesting for the keys to stay in the car when I know telling the truth is not her biggest strength to put it lightly. Something else to note is that she PROMISED to be back and yet it's been nearly 50 minutes and she's still in there.
At the time of writing this im currently calming down from a meltdown. Venting may not solve my problem but it sure helps me cope with my emotions since I don't have anyone else I feel I can vent to besides the internet.
Honestly I'm just sick of being lied to, gaslighted, and made to feel like I'm overly dramatic and that my feelings aren't valid. It just sucks tbh. :,(