Hello everyone, it's definitely been a minute since I have been active on this account. I just want to start off by saying sorry for being inactive with my stories, what started off as a fun little side hobby had somehow transformed into a job. I don't know who cares still, but I'm back to writing again and I've reread some of my work here and I've come to realize...wow these stories are all over the place. So I decided to rewrite one story at a time, the first one that I am rewriting is Fiery Love, while at the time I enjoyed writing it, now rereading it...it's not as good as I remembered it writing it. I will be making major changes to the story, but still, try to keep the overall idea to the story. So far I have completed rewriting chapter 1, and now I got over 40 chapters to go. I hope those who still support the story won't be too sad about the changes. Let's hope this time I will be more active this time around.