
Could you guys pray for me and my family? 
          	My brother got into an accident last night and it's not good,  His neck is broken in several places, bleeding brain, lacerated liver, 2 broken hips, right shoulder broken profusely, broken pelvis, unconscious
          	I would just really like for people to pray and make sure he gets better!


If you were killed, I would not be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends <3
          We fight together, we ride together and we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me if you care.
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter,
          You must send this to 15 people, 
          If you get three back, you are loved.
          Tonight (at 12:00p.m), the person you love will realize they love you or a dream will indicate so on. Then at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the biggest shock in your life.
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck seemingly.
          With much love and appreciation, send this to 15 people and if you don't then the consequences wouldn't be nice ;) Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will then have the best day of your life tomorrow or forever. Good luck!


Hey there sis, it's been so long since you've made you're presence known to us. I dearly hope all is well and that you're okay physically and mentally.


            Oh thank the lord! I thought you fell off the earth, nice to have you back <3


@Riya_Maharaj Hey, thanks so much for worrying, I'm okay, all is well. Just been busy 


Hello there fellow human! It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you, well. . .in this case read. I greatly hope that everything is working out just fine and to the greatest in your life. Remember to never give up because there is no time to do so. Keep on fighting for your rightful goal in life and make yourself proud because YOU deserve it. And if you probably haven’t reached there yet, then don’t stress, it’s okay to take a break once in a while but never quit. Be YOURSELF, soon the world will accept you as a stunning and intelligent YOU. You deserve the happiness and love in your life no matter the bad things you did knowingly and unknowingly. Just remember that YOU ARE WORTH IT! Every single day push yourself, make yourself understand that you're not doing it for the world, you’re doing it for you because you are WORTH IT.
          Well I must say I shall await a reply but my dreams of Neverland are calling out to be, perhaps we’ll talk again. 
          For now, be safe and be you from Priya.


Could you guys pray for me and my family? 
          My brother got into an accident last night and it's not good,  His neck is broken in several places, bleeding brain, lacerated liver, 2 broken hips, right shoulder broken profusely, broken pelvis, unconscious
          I would just really like for people to pray and make sure he gets better!


If anyone of you wants to see a picture of me or anything I'll probably show a face reveal... Sometime... 
          If anyone of you requests it, I will show you all what I actually look like.


@Emmaliee123 all right cool! I'm kind of confused though is there a way I can see them...?


@KatherineStanish I uploaded the pictures... not very good but still of me


My birthday is coming up so quickly! 2 days, I'll be 16 and, I feel like I'm getting old, It's insane, I feel like I'll be instead of 16,  it feels like I'll be 61, Just wanted to let you all know that I'll be posting another chapter for Catching Your Dreams in the next few days! 
          Love, Myself :) 
          Thank You all again, Hope you read my book and tell people about it! 
          I will be forever grateful!


@Riya_Maharaj Should we put on our bio that we are soul sisters?


Hey thanks for the follow! Please check out our book as well ❤️


A star has 2 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 ends. But the circle of our friendship had no end. Send this to all your friends (including me, if I am one). If you get 5 back, you are a great friend. If you get 10 back, you are popular. If you get 15 back, I'm jealous ❤❤
          Love you!♡


You're welcome


            Aww ❤️❤️❤️


Hey, How are y'alls? I have been listening to sad music, and if you have any recommendations on any sad songs you know please let me know and I will definitely be grateful and I would like any recommendations for any music that you like or want me (aka Friend) to hear what songs get to your heart. 
          Thank You all 
          Have a great Thanksgiving and stay safe 
          Love, Yours Truely 


            It's no probs really


@Riya_Maharaj  Sounds good :) Oh, hey thanks for being a good friend