
Hello, lovelies! I have a very important message for any of you who may be feeling down at the moment! I found a very lovely website called the quietplaceproject that I recommend to every single one of you!
          	At first, I thought it seemed cheesy and cliche, but it really genuinely helps me, along with many others, and it is definitely worth a try. There's different rooms that you can go in such as the Dawn Room, the Thoughts Room, and a lovely thing called The Comfort Spot, which is my personal favorite thing.
          	The Thoughts Room is where you can get rid of any negative thoughts, the Dawn Room is where you can receive endless amounts of love from anonymous blobs of words, and the comfort spot is where you can both give and receive love from the beautiful souls on the website.
          	There's other features combined with the ones I have mentioned and they are all great and positive! Every single one is free, and the only thing you are required to sign in to use is the comfort spot! I highly recommend it and I wish you all the loveliest of days and nights.
          	Stay safe, my lovelies.


Oops! I forgot to link the website! Here it is:


Hello, lovelies! I have a very important message for any of you who may be feeling down at the moment! I found a very lovely website called the quietplaceproject that I recommend to every single one of you!
          At first, I thought it seemed cheesy and cliche, but it really genuinely helps me, along with many others, and it is definitely worth a try. There's different rooms that you can go in such as the Dawn Room, the Thoughts Room, and a lovely thing called The Comfort Spot, which is my personal favorite thing.
          The Thoughts Room is where you can get rid of any negative thoughts, the Dawn Room is where you can receive endless amounts of love from anonymous blobs of words, and the comfort spot is where you can both give and receive love from the beautiful souls on the website.
          There's other features combined with the ones I have mentioned and they are all great and positive! Every single one is free, and the only thing you are required to sign in to use is the comfort spot! I highly recommend it and I wish you all the loveliest of days and nights.
          Stay safe, my lovelies.


Oops! I forgot to link the website! Here it is:


So... I said the new chapter would be uploaded a while ago... and it's still not even fully edited. Things have been progressively getting worse for me lately and my mental health has been going down the drain. I have a lot of schoolwork piled up this week but I will try my hardest to get the chapter up by this weekend. I'm so sorry lovelies, please forgive me.


Just finished the chapter! It's an extremely long one - my longest oneshot ever, actually - and it's over 9k words! I'm not sure if I should just have it be one long chapter or split it into parts, so if you have an idea, please let me know! It should be up within the next week, all I have left is to edit and possibly split it into parts. So look forward to that soon!