
Back again,
          	Yes I finished school
          	Yes I took a gap year 
          	And I’m officially and adult now 
          	But I worked full time 
          	And now I work 4 days a week and the other day I go to college, I’m studying to become a nurse  
          	I’m not sure when I go back to my already published books but  I’m kind of active again and I’m working on a few books after having a writers block since summer. 
          	I had inspiration but no motivation and the motivation is back, but not for all of my projects.  Sorry…
          	But for now I’m working on projects offline and I’m posting when it is completely done since the pressure isn’t as big and I know the feeling of reading an unfinished book on here. So sorry everyone who had to experience it. Im a victim myself. 
          	So writing without needing to update on a weekly basis is so much easier for me to write. 
          	There is a Dutch royal themed book coming soon!!!
          	And I’m working right now on an English version of The Secrets She Has but totally different in a Royal style and a lot less sadness and depression, strong female characters, mysterious love interest, forbidden love you name it! So stay tuned and hopefully we go into 2026 with a full released story/book on here 
          	Love y’all and thank you for all these years of support 
          	Xx Emmie  


@GodlyPosts YESSSS!!! I haven’t been on this app in like forever, but my notifications are always on for your work ❤️❤️ how are you??? 


@Emmie0Danvers omgoshhhh , my girllll is back !!!


Back again,
          Yes I finished school
          Yes I took a gap year 
          And I’m officially and adult now 
          But I worked full time 
          And now I work 4 days a week and the other day I go to college, I’m studying to become a nurse  
          I’m not sure when I go back to my already published books but  I’m kind of active again and I’m working on a few books after having a writers block since summer. 
          I had inspiration but no motivation and the motivation is back, but not for all of my projects.  Sorry…
          But for now I’m working on projects offline and I’m posting when it is completely done since the pressure isn’t as big and I know the feeling of reading an unfinished book on here. So sorry everyone who had to experience it. Im a victim myself. 
          So writing without needing to update on a weekly basis is so much easier for me to write. 
          There is a Dutch royal themed book coming soon!!!
          And I’m working right now on an English version of The Secrets She Has but totally different in a Royal style and a lot less sadness and depression, strong female characters, mysterious love interest, forbidden love you name it! So stay tuned and hopefully we go into 2026 with a full released story/book on here 
          Love y’all and thank you for all these years of support 
          Xx Emmie  


@GodlyPosts YESSSS!!! I haven’t been on this app in like forever, but my notifications are always on for your work ❤️❤️ how are you??? 


@Emmie0Danvers omgoshhhh , my girllll is back !!!


Ik zit officieel niet meer op school en heb morgen sollicitatie gesprek maar ik heb dus veel meer tijd want hoef nooit meer te leren voor toetsen etc. Dus dat betekent meer updates 
          En NEE ik ben The Secrets We’ve Told niet vergeten!!! Alleen heb heel lang geen motivatie meer gehad. 
          Maar dat boek is zeker niet gecanceld dus geen zorgen. 
          Wanneer ik weer ga uploaden weet ik niet. Maar het komt wel!
          Slaap lekker 
          Xx Emmie 


@VanjaCodee9 dankjewel!!!!
            Sollicitatie ging heel goed en hoorde achteraf dat ze nog nooit zo’n enthousiaste sollicitanten hebben gehad. Wacht nu alleen nog op een salaris aanbod per mail en dan beslis ik of ik het aanneem of niet. Maar anders dan heb ik gewoon een baan!!!! Dus ben heel blij. 


            *wakker worden*
            fijn om wat van je te horen, en helemaal geslaagd met school  PROFICIAT
            nu komt het echte leven en de spanning succses met je sollicitatie


          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does freedom mean to you?
          You might be interested in my book Zoey and Zolani. It explores the topic of true love and freedom. 
          I hope you join me on the journey as we figure out the answer together ! 
          Have a lovely day ✨❤️☄️