Okay, so I know I have been slow to update lately (it is half because I'm a lazy arse and half because I actually have SO MUCH SCHOOL. Like literally drowning in school work, and I swear I am not procrastinating on it like I do with most other things in my life...)
Anyways, I am currently in a writing course and for our final assessment I will be writing a 10,000 word or more article on a topic of my choice. I have chosen to do books, writing and the fads/trends of literature. So recently I've actually been hounding a bunch of really big name wattpaders (I literally mean hounding, and I can't promise that they wont hate me...) to get interviews for my article.
So that has been basically what I've been doing lately, as well as studying my butt off for physics and chemistry (because I hate myself apparently and took two sciences in the same semester).
Anyways, that's kinda the end of my rant. I have been working on Odd Balling at every single spare moment I can get and I really hope to publish the next chapter by next weekend but we will have to see. I'm sorry guys!