
          -runs away-


@FlashingSpirits I'm never going to be sorry for defending a friend.  I'm just sorry she got THAT much hate


@FlashingSpirits  What I'm sorry for is not for what I said, but for all the hate she received.  However, I don't give a damn if Crazed had to get through the fight himself.  He's my friend and I'm going to defend him.


Heeey I know you're kinda getting a lotta hate right now, and maybe I don't know the whole story, but I kinda jut wanted to let you know that maybe every one is a bit overreacting and stuff, but what I recommend is an apology, a one you mean. I'm honestly not trying to be mean, but I think you're a little in the wrong here, but calling each other names and threatening them is not the best way to deal with things. You should try and talk peacefully if you want to talk, and if not, you could drop it. Sorry for any offence. 


Sorry for all the trouble. I know there is something going on in your life emotional or physically, but you cant take it out on someone in the internet. That only results in a negative way. You don't want to get these mean comments do you? Maybe you should say sorry, and perhaps you can work something out and become friends. Ticci and Crazed have enough stress in their life, they don't need anymore. Please feel free to share your side of the story.