
@jessi_sunshine your welcome i really liked it its just sad but it makes so much sense in my head. haha sorry im really hyper im like high on sugar and yeah your story was the only short story i have read tonight that has not been depressing, about murder, or involving loney umbrellas. The shuffle buttom will be my doom although i found one good thing a set of twins that i think are not really twins but they are named fred and george. its awesoe=me theyre from irland and I cant type right now because this computer has a tiny keyboard that sucks (: okay now im rambling! uh your welcome again and im not awesome YOUR AWESOME :)


Hey! You. Yeah you. Your Beautiful. I bet you didnt know I was going to say that;) I miss your pretty face kid. What is a guy supposed to do without you?? ;) Ohh and I love you like crazy, and your like one of my best friends ever. <-Bet ya didnt know that;) Be good, Stay in school, Dont do anything I wouldnt do. Okay? (Yeah, Im tottally your big little brother, Nothin is gonna change it.)


@jessi_sunshine your welcome i really liked it its just sad but it makes so much sense in my head. haha sorry im really hyper im like high on sugar and yeah your story was the only short story i have read tonight that has not been depressing, about murder, or involving loney umbrellas. The shuffle buttom will be my doom although i found one good thing a set of twins that i think are not really twins but they are named fred and george. its awesoe=me theyre from irland and I cant type right now because this computer has a tiny keyboard that sucks (: okay now im rambling! uh your welcome again and im not awesome YOUR AWESOME :)


Thanks for commenting on my story! I'm sorry it made you sad, though. D: That sucks! So.... cyber cookie! *offers* Sorry. I'm super tired right now. It's been an exhausting day (lonnnng story, involving facing problems with my roommate and telling my parents I had a boyfriend and blah blah blah) and consequently, I have no filter right now. So I'm just typing what comes to mind. Which is not totally awesome. I'm gonna shut up now, because I'm babbling. Anyhoo, thank you SO much for commenting! And reading! And just everything. You're AWESOME. *stamp of approval* Okay, bye! (:


@xHiddenNinjax I'm glad to know we have something common! I read through our information and it seems we would get along quite well!!:) I dont know when I'll be able to update because I'm on vacation for my sisters wedding so I'm busy helping her then I also have a lot of homework to catch up on from school so I don't know but I'll try to make it in a few days! Another problem is my computer is being gay! So I have to update from my iPod which takes hours hah:) but thanks so much for fanning and liking my story! Its great to hear it's well liked:)