Thanks for fanning! And would you like to review my undiscovere story, but any chance? I didn't see the questions you talked about in Undiscovered Gems, but...
1: What's your name?: Rosanna (that's where my main character got her name) 2: Do you care about being famous on wattpad?: Not really, I just want my story to get known and the publicity they deserve. 3: What inspires you to write?: Writing helps me escape reality. I can't stop! 4: What is an interesting fact about you?: I get funnier ever second! :D 5: What do you like most about wattpad?: I'm just getting used to it, but most definitely the romance novels. I love them all.
My page: My novel: My cover:
Please, promote me. I'm extremely new to this site and I want my novel to get as much reads, likes and comments as they deserve. Read hers and yours. So that's my novel if you had the time to promote. I'm sure loads of people have already asked you so don't worry if you're too full up!