* EVIL MANIACAL LAUGHTER * HELLOOOOO I JUST REMEMBERED THAT THIS ACCOUNT EXISTS YALL ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR WHAAAAAA anyways hello all my lovely followers (even tho like half of ur accts are prob dead :skull:) do yall remember these accts ???? i got reminded of them when i was looking at that du iceberg meme n was like "woahhhh ! du parody accts ???? me n my besties made those rlly popular !!!!" n e ways these were fun i might harass the du admins into letting me do these but w actual current characters :heart_eyes: hope this message has caused u to have an intense violent reaction as u guys remember 2020-2021 bc ik it sure did that to me when i correctly guessed the pw to this acct now goo bye follow my main @daybreakcoalition n stan paris narcissus loch :heart: