
this message may be offensive
YALL! You need to stop reading After the Kiss. That is the first fanfic I ever wrote, and it's so cringy to look at 6 years later. Hinata gets so OoC, and it's just *screaming in palms*. BAD. 
          	This is an FYI to anyone asking about updates to Time Travel Lovers. 
          	I DONT KNOW! 
          	If i ever write for that fic again, it will need a full rewrite because, again, it's been over 5 years since i started it! The plot of that fic is a giant mess of me not properly planning shit out and the general cringe of being a fifteen year old fanfic writer. I turn 21 in two weeks. That shit is embarrassing. 
          	If you want to read some of my newer (and much better) works, I'm on ao3 at AelinCreativ. I write mainly Avatar The Last Airbender, One Piece, and DSMP. 
          	Thank you, and have a good night!


@EmpressAelin  for a second there I thought u were talking about something else but then I was like oh they mean the books lol 


@EmpressAelin  it’s fine I haven’t read that book in a while even if it’s hard to follow like u said before I d probably feel the same way u do I’d feel like it’s cringe too


@teenhinatawrld yall are lucky i even let these monstrosities still see the light of day


this message may be offensive
YALL! You need to stop reading After the Kiss. That is the first fanfic I ever wrote, and it's so cringy to look at 6 years later. Hinata gets so OoC, and it's just *screaming in palms*. BAD. 
          This is an FYI to anyone asking about updates to Time Travel Lovers. 
          I DONT KNOW! 
          If i ever write for that fic again, it will need a full rewrite because, again, it's been over 5 years since i started it! The plot of that fic is a giant mess of me not properly planning shit out and the general cringe of being a fifteen year old fanfic writer. I turn 21 in two weeks. That shit is embarrassing. 
          If you want to read some of my newer (and much better) works, I'm on ao3 at AelinCreativ. I write mainly Avatar The Last Airbender, One Piece, and DSMP. 
          Thank you, and have a good night!


@EmpressAelin  for a second there I thought u were talking about something else but then I was like oh they mean the books lol 


@EmpressAelin  it’s fine I haven’t read that book in a while even if it’s hard to follow like u said before I d probably feel the same way u do I’d feel like it’s cringe too


@teenhinatawrld yall are lucky i even let these monstrosities still see the light of day


u alive


no i just wanted to know. just worried is all


@MylesDTate uh. In what regard? Cuz if you want more fanfics outa me, go to ao3. If this is a general wellbeing, im in college now, nothing is okay


I really enjoyed your time travel lovers story, and when will you continue to write that? I 


@Arunsyfdnn its weird and complicated. I love that story and i put so much effort into it but im not an active part of the naruto fandom anymore besides keeping tabs on a few fics. I really want to rewrite it and know how i would do it but currebtly the motivation is missing. The pandemic stuff sucked alot of life out of me and writing in general hasnt been consistent. Ill get obsessed with an idea for a few days and get something plotted but then it will just die and ill feel really bad about that. Im not going to give up on it but for now there wont be any updates to TTL. It needs to be rewritten so I can start over and make something out of it. Sorry but its just how it is right now. Ive explained it in other places so if you want more info its around.