Hello everyone
If you've been following the latest updates of Fire and Ice, I'm sure you'll be able to tell that the story of Natalia's quest for revenge is about rounding up.
I've written up to chapter 85 and the Patreon members already have access to chapter 81. I can't say for certain how many chapters I have left to write, but I know I've got no more than 5 left to go.
As I get closer and closer to the end of this story, I can't help but feel a sense of anxiety. This story has been part of my life for nearly a decade and on this platform since 2019. My fears that my writing skills may not be enough to wrap the story up in a satisfying way makes me want to procrastinate, but I'm posting through it and writing every single day.
Mingled with my anxiety is excitement. Since starting Fire and Ice, I forced myself not to start any of the other story ideas I have in my head. I was scared that I would become consumed with the other ideas and leave Fire and Ice hanging. But now, with the end near, I'm letting myself explore other ideas and possibilities for my next works. Of course, Book 2 of the Syrenlina Duology is definitely on the table, but I'll be having a poll with my Patreon members to fully decide on that in the future. I'd love to see more of you over on Patreon, since that where most of my attention will go after the story ends, but I'll still pop in here to give sneak peeks and the like.
In any case, I'm making this post to thank my readers for sticking with me for so long. I appreciate you all so much and always love to hear your feedback in the comments. I usually stay quiet, but I'll likely be responding to comments more often as the story is winding down cause I'm just so gosh darn excited
Also, btw, I've got Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter pages that I never promote because I never post there, but I'll begin doing that soon, so I'd love it if you follow me there