
Thank you for adding my werewolf story to your reading list! ❤️. I hope you enjoy it just like I enjoyed writing it. I hope my story is a different storyline than all the other werewolf stories you have read. I tend to get bore of reading the same plot line as well. 


Thank you for adding my story to your list ! I hope you'll like it once you go back to werewolf stories since I understand you are taking a break right now ^^ (completely get it, they tend to go the same way most if the time) anyway, thank you for selecting my story and maybe giving it a chance in the future! If the time comes I hope you'll enjoy it.


Hi! Thanks for adding Sisters Spelled to your reading list! I will be updating tonight (and every wens/thurs), and I hope you enjoy!!!


@beewest90 I have not started reading it yet. But I always love reading books about witches. Hope it would be a nice change after being hooked on werewolf books for some time.