
My community here is so dead its sort of sad


My community here is so dead its sort of sad


@EmptyBombShell I did that a while ago. This account has been doing good so I'm happy.


@Andy_is_yeesus i'm planning on making an entirely new account tbh


@EmptyBombShell same I'm not even into youtube much anymore just music and writing. So I'm probably going to lose followers bacause my intrests changed


Okay so like netflix is now my new favorite thing right now. I advice you all to go watch their newest released series "Black Summer" ITS SCRUMPTIOUS GO WATCH NOW!!
          (btw sun is mine I have already claimed her. Aswell as lance! MINE CHILDREN)


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Okay so...everyone has been asking me where ive been. Heres my explination.
          So ive had really bad bipolar depression and anxiety since ive been put in foster care. I wasnt able to truely identify my issues or be honest with myself about them. Just wanting to fit in didnt make the situation any better. So during the last week of october I was caught at school smoking. My principle called me into his office (for the 3rd time in 2 weeks due to behaviour issues) and confiscated my vape. I was frustrated and had a lot on my plate. He gave me the whole 'nicotine can kill' speech. I mumbled something under my breath. My princible heard me and asked me to repeat myself. I looked him dead in the eye feeling myself about to burst into tears "I dont care. I wanna kill myself anyways"
          After the I was placed in the kidpeace hospital. I was there for almost 4 weeks before they told me I had to be placed in a residential. On November 1st I was placed in my first residential. There I was diagnosed with bipolar depression (I was diagnosed with anxiety before this). I went through a lot of shit there and it made me realize how important my life is to not only me but my friends, family, and most importantly my kid siblings. Once I had all my meds adjusted I had to stay there for almost another 2 months for them to find a new foster home for me. They didnt think I should be with my siblings because they were scared..of me. I want to apoligize for all the shit I put some of you guys through (you know who you are) and I hope you can forgive me. I'm not saying let go but please forgive. 
          I hope you all know I do care about all of you no matter how bitchy I was.  Love your new and improved Ash Bash


Today marks the anniversary of when the twin towers struck in New York. Rest In piece to those who lost their lives that fateful day. I pray for the family’s of lost loved ones. I feel guilty for even being able to type these words this day. I feel guilty for being a survivor.
              ~in memorial of 9/11~