You deserve the soft caress of the afternoon wind as you ride in a car with the Windows down, your favorite song playing in the background. You deserve happiness and bubbles and karaoke machines at 2 A.M. You deserve hot chocolate and hoodies in front of a fire, surrounded by people you love. You'd deserve the world, and I hope you open your eyes to all the belongs to you.

@MoonIsAllISee Dani I'm going to cry. I love you with my whole and entire heart. You deserve the whispers of encouragement from the midnight wind. The soft touches of the first snowfall on a child's face. You deserve fresh washed and still warm clothes from the dryer. Puppy kisses and laughing so hard your ribs hurt. Long roadtrips with your favorite people. You deserve everything in the sun and skies. The galaxies within your eyes don't even begin to cover all you deserve. Look around, the gods are holding you and waiting on your every command. Whatever you want, it'll make it happen.