Well shiy
I'm 21 people past 500, thank you everyone who's following me!!
I've done the long speeches before, and tbh it's to early to atm.
So first just thank you, never thought I would even get 100 followers. And second, sorry for my inactivity, schools a mess, I've had writers block, and people on discord need to ro with me but I've felt unmotivated. Though I now have a GF who's helping me get motivated again. I'll try and write again and I might go and fix up Poliroid and Transformation.
Now! QnA!! You can ask me here, or latter today when I get home, on the QNA chaps on all my active books (aka all books still being worked on, so everything except Birthday Gift).
Bye!!! I'll be doing the A around feburary 16 unless I dont get enough Q's by then.