
Hello, Lovelies. Surprised to see me, aren't you? I'll be honest, I didn't think I would ever find myself back on this site to return to writing. Over the past two years since I last posted a message for you guys I believed I had given up on writing entirely. I still have the app on my phone, I still read notifications and comments, and I still appreciate everything you all have done for me. Now, in the most unlikely times I return. Here's the thing, I'm about give-or-take 5 days into this whole COVID-19 quarantine dealio. I'm taking classes online, and I won't be going into work any time soon. Besides constant cleaning and my homework tasks... I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm not even sure if this writing thing is going to work. Yet... I've always missed it during it's long absence from my life. This new story is one I started a long time ago now. It was a story based around the Arthurian Legends, however it will not be based on the BBC's Merlin. There may be slight similarities in the personalities of the characters and of course common themes, It's simply a different perspective of it all coming from me. I would appreciate if you all would remember that and do your best not to compare the two too heavily. This is not going to be easy for me, I do hope that I can have you all by my side as I begin to climb this mountain before me. Thanks Lovelies! and as always... Keep Reading. Keep Interacting. Keep Smiling. --EmzyyIrenexx


Or maybe it won't be an Arthurian Legend story... I'm not quite sure yet.  Sorry Lovelies


Hello, Lovelies. Surprised to see me, aren't you? I'll be honest, I didn't think I would ever find myself back on this site to return to writing. Over the past two years since I last posted a message for you guys I believed I had given up on writing entirely. I still have the app on my phone, I still read notifications and comments, and I still appreciate everything you all have done for me. Now, in the most unlikely times I return. Here's the thing, I'm about give-or-take 5 days into this whole COVID-19 quarantine dealio. I'm taking classes online, and I won't be going into work any time soon. Besides constant cleaning and my homework tasks... I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm not even sure if this writing thing is going to work. Yet... I've always missed it during it's long absence from my life. This new story is one I started a long time ago now. It was a story based around the Arthurian Legends, however it will not be based on the BBC's Merlin. There may be slight similarities in the personalities of the characters and of course common themes, It's simply a different perspective of it all coming from me. I would appreciate if you all would remember that and do your best not to compare the two too heavily. This is not going to be easy for me, I do hope that I can have you all by my side as I begin to climb this mountain before me. Thanks Lovelies! and as always... Keep Reading. Keep Interacting. Keep Smiling. --EmzyyIrenexx


Or maybe it won't be an Arthurian Legend story... I'm not quite sure yet.  Sorry Lovelies


It's been so long, lovelies. Are any of you left? I want to start writing again. I don't know when it became so hard. I don't know where I veered off the tracks nor why I can't seem to find my way back. If any of you are still out there, if any of you still reread more stories or miss them or want me to start over, please let me know. Please help me find a reason to start writing again. If any of you are left it will be worth it, but I know I failed you by disappearing so much for so long. I always came back with excuses, I don't even have those to give you anymore. I am so very sorry, lovelies. You still mean the world to me even if you've given up waiting.  As always, Keep Reading. Keep Interacting. Keep Smiling. Bless you if you still do all of those things. <3 -EmzyyIrenexx


Hello again, Lovelies. It's been almost a year since I've spoken to you all yet again. I truly miss this website, with all my heart. I try to pop in and see what you guys have to say as readers still flow in quite steadily. Truthfully I've been making the same excuses over and over on lack of updates and online activity. That I'm busy or that it's hard. Both are still true, both are still sad excuses. I feel that If I have all this love for this website and these stories that I should be able to make time for it, and yet I rarely do. I have been on this site for going on, I think, 5 years now. 2013, I believe? I'm not sure the math, but I am sure that those years mean something to me. This community means something to me. I don't want to run away from it. I find myself hiding far too often. Writing has been hard for me lately, even outside this website. I find little energy and little motivation. The only thing that keeps me feeling capable is remembering how you all took to The Dragon Prince. It reminds me that I am capable of writing things people can and will love. Writing is still hard despite this. I have a full-time job now, and I'm working to start college as soon as possible. I took time after school to work. I turned 19. All things adding up in life, sucking away all the energy I have. I am so sorry guys. I am sorry to dissapoint you with lack of content. I am sorry that I respond to comments up to a year after they are made. I don't want to quit. I want to feel capable. I don't want to ask for your patience time and time again; but it is hard and I am sorry. Please forgive me, and please don't forget about me. Thank you for your overwhelming support. Here's to hoping. Anyways, Lovelies. Keep reading. Keep interacting. Keep smiling. You give me strength. - EmzyyIrenexx


Hello, Lovelies! I'm not sure if many of you have noticed, but I have updated Albion's Rise (TDP sequel). Not once, no, but twice! --and I have a third update scheduled for the very, very, near future!! Check them out, and don't forget to comment. I love hearing what you guys have to say!


Well, Lovelies, somehow it has come to be months since my last message once again, and with a large lack in story updates. Luckily, I have reached a MUCH more stable point in my life, and the end of my High School career is fast approaching. Actually, as it happens, as of today I am officially an "adult". Yep, today is my eighteenth birthday. It's weird, I started this account somewhere near my fourteenth of fifteenth birthday. It doesn't feel like it's been so long since then. The past year or so has been a whirlwind, and I truly miss all the time I was able to spend writing for you guys and interacting with you guys. I plan to take a long writing filled vacation this summer and come back to enjoy it. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to do more writing on here even before then. I never knew TDP could ever come to surpass 100k reads. I am beyond thankful for all of you reading, and commenting, and just being amazing and enjoying my stories. It has really brought me far, I'm even writing an actual book now (as I'm sure you can imagine it is VERY slow going). I just want to say one thing, Lovelies: THIS IS NOT THE END. No matter how much it seems like it. I know it has been a year of me saying "please, hold on. just wait, just wait, just wait". --But I'm getting there! I'm so freaking thankful for all of you who have held on. Thank you all so, so, so, so much. Please, never forget to: Keep Reading. Keep Interacting. (and, of course.) Keep Smiling. - EmzyyIrenexx


Hey, Lovelies! I'm on a school computer right now, heh, #rebelstatus! ANYWAY. It's been a couple months again, and I think you deserve another update. I'm basically going to give you guys a bit of a lowdown on my life, even though I know it's been no excuse to break my promises of updates. SO, here's the thing. I'm a senior in High School. I had a lot of struggles last year between school and emotional stress and am still getting back on my feet. I have a ton to do for this year to make sure I graduate, etc., etc. I think about these stories and this community I've been able to beat nearly every day. I'm so happy to have you guys and I constantly feel disappointed in myself for not being able to be consistent for you guys. I used to pride myself on frequent updates and replying to every comment. The sad thing is it may be a while until I can get that organized again. I attempt to work on these stories whenever I have the time, but I find I rarely have the time. It's a huge possibility that I'm going to be moving out in a few months as well, so around everything going on consistence is a hard thing to reach especially on a hobby like this. I can't wait for the day I'll be able to have more time to focus on it but now isn't that time. I'm still going to continue trying to find time, writing, replying. I will update sporadically whenever I get the chance. I love you all and I'm so thankful how faithfully you've stuck around for everything. Thank you all so much! I honestly don't know what kind of person I would be without ever starting this account and writing these stories. This is not the end, I won't let it be. I'm hanging in there and I really hope y'all will still stand right there with me. 
          I'll be back soon, lovelies! Keep reading. Keep Interacting. Keep Smiling - EmzyyIrenexx


Hey, lovelies! I'm so sorry it has been so long since I have updated ANY of my stories, but I promise I will get there eventually. I've not had much luck with writing as of late. I went through a very hard time and I'm still getting back into the swing of things. On top of this wattpad and my computer are both being quite arses towards me. I'm not trying to make up excuses, I only ask that you forgive me and be patient a little while longer. I also would like to add that it's getting quite hard to respond to every single comment as I usually do. TDP has gotten way more attention than I ever imagined it would, and I am so thankful to all of you for your appreciation and involvement. I will continue to try to respond to as many comments as possible, but the comment section is getting quite scattered with the flood of comments coming in. If I don't get to your comment, I'm very sorry. I do still read every comment, or almost every comment at least. My message box is still open to anyone, so if there is anything you have to say that you want to be SURE I'll notice send it through there. I am also perfectly willing to read and give feedback on stories. I appreciate every single one of you lovelies and you are all important, never forget that. Keep reading. Keep interacting. Keep smiling. -EmzyyIrenexx


Hello! I love your Dragon Prince series so far, but I just have one question. If I try to tap on your "When Time Collides" book, it will never go into the section where it talks about the book. It just goes to "The Dragon Prince," instead. I'm wondering if you've received any other messages like this, and just if your experiencing anything strange. But, yeah! Thanks for writing great stories. :)


Ok! I am using mobile, so I'll check on the computer when I get a chance. Your welcome :)


@Emrysstar Hello, lovely! I really appreciate your compliments! Also, thank you for informing me of these problems. I wasn't aware. I've had a few problems myself with chapters actually updating as I have been using the phone app for updating more recently. I will go on the computer later today and reupload the chapters, and we'll see if that helps. It is possible it has to do with your app (if you're on mobile), but I will see what I can do. Thank you for telling me! --and thank you again for reading and enjoying my stories. Until next time, lovely. -EmzyyIreneXx


Hey, lovelies! In case you noticed that a new story but did not update my current two, I just want to state this does not mean i am starting a new story and leaving the others behind! I will be posting the third chapter to Albion's Rise any day now (I'm still figuring out when I will post each one), and the coauthor of SSS is currently working on the next chapter! This story is just a little idea I had that I wanted to get down and use to pass the time. Maybe check it out while waiting for the other updates...? I'll be back soon, Lovelies! Ttfn! Keep reading, keep interacting, keep smiling! -EmzyyIrenexx