Hello, Lovelies. Surprised to see me, aren't you? I'll be honest, I didn't think I would ever find myself back on this site to return to writing. Over the past two years since I last posted a message for you guys I believed I had given up on writing entirely. I still have the app on my phone, I still read notifications and comments, and I still appreciate everything you all have done for me. Now, in the most unlikely times I return. Here's the thing, I'm about give-or-take 5 days into this whole COVID-19 quarantine dealio. I'm taking classes online, and I won't be going into work any time soon. Besides constant cleaning and my homework tasks... I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm not even sure if this writing thing is going to work. Yet... I've always missed it during it's long absence from my life. This new story is one I started a long time ago now. It was a story based around the Arthurian Legends, however it will not be based on the BBC's Merlin. There may be slight similarities in the personalities of the characters and of course common themes, It's simply a different perspective of it all coming from me. I would appreciate if you all would remember that and do your best not to compare the two too heavily. This is not going to be easy for me, I do hope that I can have you all by my side as I begin to climb this mountain before me. Thanks Lovelies! and as always... Keep Reading. Keep Interacting. Keep Smiling. --EmzyyIrenexx

Or maybe it won't be an Arthurian Legend story... I'm not quite sure yet. Sorry Lovelies