
Nevermind I am just going to transfer over the hybrid wolf pack and start a new one shot book over!!! I am sorry for the spam


Guess who is alive! God its been forever I feel really bad so guess what I am going to move all of my books over to my main account @penguinsofthedeep this wil make it easy on me and make so I can update again and I can edit them to make them flow better since I am not a much better writer I think at least! Thing is I will only be moving my oneshots and the hybrid wolf pack as My TBNRVikklan fanfic is already done!!!!


My updates on stories might be slow for a while.... I don't mean them to be it's just I feel drained or bored at all times and just don't feel like doing anything beside sleeping. I don't mean to disappoint you guys I just I don't feel right when I am writing like this.... The sudden realizing of a situation put me like this and I wanted to apologize. I will still be on though and doing things but once I feel good enough to write I will, I promise just write now I think I need a break. This happens when I just felt like coming back to... When I wanted to update my books and talk to you guys through them... But now it's all going away and I feel really bad about and I am sorry guys.


Hey my followers wanted to say that yes i did delete crushes on the alphas why cause i am going to rewrite when i get a chance to so just wanted inform no its not died i just i have to think about how to start it off in such now dont worry okay? Okay.