I'm sorry I've been inactive this week. I've been fighting off a bad cold, while dealing with school and home, I'll try to update by next Monday, but I make no promises.
I'm sorry I've been inactive this week. I've been fighting off a bad cold, while dealing with school and home, I'll try to update by next Monday, but I make no promises.
Here just an update.
You might have noticed that I've been lacking updating on my books. Well that's because, me and my friend are working on I Am A God together and that has drank of my creative juices. (That sounded better in my head) So I'm going to take a break and focus my attention on that, so yeah.
I am extremely sorry for not writing, or being generally active. I'm just really not in the mood, but that faze of my life is now over, and I'll be back to normal this week.