Are you okay? I've noticed you haven't posted anything in a while and I was getting concerned since there is no update about going on Hiatus.

@Skallen05 hearing that makes me so unbelievably happy. Thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it.

@Skallen05 glad to hear you're ok. I say take all the time you need to deal with personal stuff. I'll be hapily waiting for when you get back to writing. I love your wangxian/system story.

@Skallen05 hey there, thank you for your concern. :3 I originally only wanted to take a 2 week break actually. But I'm currently in a lot of stress family wise so I didn't really get a chance to open up Wattpad and check messages. I'm okay, just my dad being a scummy narcissistic and cheating ass which in turn has put a lot of stress and pressure at home. But I'm fine. Hopefully I can get to writing again bc I have no chapters stockpiled at the moment