
this message may be offensive
So i heard that people are body shaming sapnap? What the hell is wrong with you people? What if someone body shamed you? I don't care if you're skinny, fat, or whatever, You are body shaming someone and hurting them. So don't body shame people! It's a disgusting thing to do and i dunno if you know this. But eating disorders can start from that shit! You're bullying for no reason aside from to be an asshole! You all are jerks and i hope to all that is good that you get karma for your actions. Because you deserve karma. Sapnap is a good person who doesn't deserve your bullying. So back off with it.  Otherwise we'll lose him and you'll be the reason.  And I don't want to lose anyone.


this message may be offensive
So i heard that people are body shaming sapnap? What the hell is wrong with you people? What if someone body shamed you? I don't care if you're skinny, fat, or whatever, You are body shaming someone and hurting them. So don't body shame people! It's a disgusting thing to do and i dunno if you know this. But eating disorders can start from that shit! You're bullying for no reason aside from to be an asshole! You all are jerks and i hope to all that is good that you get karma for your actions. Because you deserve karma. Sapnap is a good person who doesn't deserve your bullying. So back off with it.  Otherwise we'll lose him and you'll be the reason.  And I don't want to lose anyone.


Guys i have a quick thing i would like to talk about, I apologize in advance if any of this comes off as triggering, rude, or anything of that sort. But i've seen some things online of people acting out and since I don't have the power to stop those people, i would like to inform you all here instead. As here is as good as a place as any to begin of for changing the world to be a better place. And you all being as far out as i can reach as of currently during this pandemic.
          I would like to talk about treating others correctly and about basic manners towards another living being. This does not stick to only humans, but to animals as well. As i know that some people abuse the living creatures that trust US, for no apparent reason. Once more I do not intend to point figures, but if it starts to seem that way then perhaps you have some fixing up to do on your behavior and overall habits towards other living beings around you.
          I've been seeing things that seem to lead towards abuse towards living animals, Fish, Dogs, Cats, And humans alike all seem to be treated terribly for some unknown reason. While lets be honest here, There is no good reason to abuse anything, or anyone. [I apologize if this is a triggering subject. TW:depression, Su*cide, S/H, and things of that sort.] As actions of such a thing towards another being can cause negative mental issues within their heads. I am unsure if you were aware of this but animals as well, just like humans. Can develop depression. They will refuse to eat, Be active, and of that sort. All beings have feelings and actions can easily bend those feelings into a different state. A seemingly happy person can easily be hiding scars under their clothing. [Read on please, This is long I apologize]


That is all. I thank you all for possibly reading this or something of the sort. Once again I would like to apologize for the length of this post.


Or a good role-model for my type of request. I apologize if that might have triggered you in any way, to have been brought up in what may seem like a careless action. If you were not brought up with a good role-model towards kindness i would like to suggest turning to online characters instead, There are easily multiple characters that you could take inspiration from and take ideas from as to become a better person in the long run. I would like to apologize if that is a mean way to put it or anything related to that. I am simply suggesting an idea as i am unsure how else to help you. Now let us go onto the next topic shall we?
            That was simply on treating others the same way you would like to be treated. But seeing as this is becoming rather long, I will try to keep the manners part as short as i can personally do. [I thank those of you who have stuck around to read all of this, I also apologize if anything i have said triggered you in any way. Onto the topic of basic manners, If something that does not belong to you is in the way. I would like to suggest that instead of forcibly moving it yourself, That you simply ask the person that the object belongs to, To move it instead. As they may lose track of the object if you were to move it instead.
            I apologize for having to cut this short, But i am afraid that this has gotten rather lengthy quite quickly. I thank those of you who have stuck around reading until the very end though.


The specific scars I am speaking of are rarely caused by others inflicts, But that also does not mean that they cannot be caused by someone else. I have read countless stories that express how these scars can be inflicted. Others can cause these wounds, but most of the time they are self inflicted. Whether that be due to a poor state of mind, Or due to wanting attention is debatable. But that is not of the current topic.
            [It could easily turn to that however, But i much rather not potentially trigger anybody by explaining into deeper detail of the subject.] 
            Back onto the main topic. There are multiple ways that abuse or verbal subjects can go. None of the ways are good. As nobody can truly ignore ones words if spoken enough times. I, Myself. Know that even speaking them once could be potentially fatal towards the mental health of a person. So bringing back the old saying, "If you have nothing nice to say, Say nothing at all." That saying is very true. As people who do nothing but spout out rude topics, Or mean words. Usually do not have many nice friends, nor nice family members. [If your family is abusive i would suggest seeking out help, Speak to a trusted friend of someone of that liking first however to figure out if they are truly abusive.]
            I know that it may seem 'understandable' to act out towards others if you haven't had the best upbringing. We have seen this countless times in shows[Mainly animes] within characters. (EX-Bakugou, Kageyama) But while we may have seen these characters be rude towards others due to their own upbringings, Do you really wish to be the reason why someone else is that way? Do you truly wish to make somebody else feel a terrible way, Just because you went through something harsh in the past? Perhaps instead of being rude/abusive towards someone else due to your own misfortunes, You should attempt being nice to them. I know that may seem alien to you, as you may not have had a good upbringing,