Since I wrapped up Business Casual a couple weeks I ago, I thought it would be fun to share a little fun fact I've been holding in about this story. Originally, when I came up with the concept of this story idea, it was going to be about a secret mafia business that Toby was going to have to run. If you read the first couple chapters, you can kind of see points in the story where the writing suggests that is what's going on, but I decided to go a different direction. These days Wattpad is full of so many dark romance stories, which is fine, but I thought for once let's try a lighter story. But now that I have this confession out in the opinion. I want to know your guys' opinion on dark romance books. I'm not saying this would have been like an X-rated dark story, but it would have gone in a much darker direction. Would you be interested in a darker storyline for Spoby if I happened to write another story?