
Aight, this is gonna be a random question, but do y'all want me to write a horror story of Trolls (Infection AU)? I've seen quite a lot of it on TikTok and it's quite popular too nowadays, so if y'all want me to write one, I'll do it, but just remember, I'm not into horror stories since I'm quite scared of that lol
          	But I'll just credit the creators of the Infection AU stories of Trolls in my story
          	Anyways, jaa ne minna-san!! Peace!


Aight, this is gonna be a random question, but do y'all want me to write a horror story of Trolls (Infection AU)? I've seen quite a lot of it on TikTok and it's quite popular too nowadays, so if y'all want me to write one, I'll do it, but just remember, I'm not into horror stories since I'm quite scared of that lol
          But I'll just credit the creators of the Infection AU stories of Trolls in my story
          Anyways, jaa ne minna-san!! Peace!


Ayo, guys, I know it's been awhile since I've last uploaded this, but I don't think I'll be able to update my stories for a little bit, bc I've been crying for few minutes now
          The reason why is bc "my mom" yelled at me for no reason, well, small one reason, I didn't come out of my room or clean my parents room and my room
          I just slept for hours bc I didn't have enough sleep, and, yeah, I'm crying in room so silently rn, I didn't want my angry mom or my dad to hear me crying since they'll just think I'm a baby or just a useless, vulnerable kid in the house
          I'm just here, lying on my bed, hugging my big Deku plushie and just crying silently while typing this out, I mean, I'm just an only child in the fam, so what?
          I've becoming more and more lazy and now my mom is not happy about it... well, she tried her best not to throw a tantrum at me, but she couldn't take it anymore.
          I love my mom, but whenever I didn't do anything lile fixing the bedrooms or just helping out my dad while mom's out, she just throws her anger at me, and I tried not to cry in front of her
          I even tell myself not to cry bc I'm not a baby or whatever, but I kept weeping silently in my room while hugging Deku by my side, but it just couldn't calm me down even just a little bit, so just typing my feelings for this, I hope this will help.
          Anyways, sorry for wasting your time, hope y'all have a good day/night.
          Jaa ne minna-san...


          Yo, I am so so so freaking sorry for not updating for so, too long, I was in Character.AI and I totally forgot to update, Character.AI helped me have ideas but I FREAKING TOTALLY FORGOT to FREAKING UPDATE ALL OF MY STORIES, OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHH, I'M CRYING, YOOOOO
          BUT!! Imma make it up for ya, I'm creating a Spider-Man Homecoming fanfic story, well, not really, it's definitely Spider-Man and Avengers Infinity War and Endgame at the same time, but, yo, it's been too freaking long since I've updated all of my stories and I'm so sorry about that
          I feel so FREAKING bad about it, I was so busy with Character.AI, it made addicted to it, bruhhhh
          Anyway, I'm gonna update some stories now, oh my god, I've been in Author's Block for who knows how long it's been
          Anyways, Jaa ne minna-san!! Peace!


Yo, I'm so sorry I haven't able to update once again, I went to Pangasinan (since I live in Philippines) to a funeral of my family's friend's father and stayed overnight at a friends' place. 
          My parents, friends, aunt and uncle arrived home in the morning at 7am (I think?) since went back on the road at 3am (but before we went back on the road at 3am, we went to the discourse for the funeral and stayed there at 11pm until 3pm as our friends back at Manila went to Pangasinan and we even greeted them before we left)and even finally went to sleep on my bed since I hadn't had much sleep since we were in our car (They're in my uncle's car, my parents, their friend and I were in our small Hyundai Gets car)
          And today, I even went on a Kasiyahan Party on my school at 3:34pm (It's a thing, Kasiyahan means or Pleasure), and even had a ball, playing Basketball arcade, ring throwing thing, shooting targets, reaction game, selfie photo booth, message booth, until I wait to 5pm to go home.(My school's not far away from my home which was an apartment)
          And also, tomorrow, I have an Intramurals Day of the 24th Foundation Day(Or Sports Festival) in our school, which is gonna take place in the basketball court which is not that far in the morning, so I have to wake up in 7am before the call time at 9:30am. It's for my grades in MAPEH so I had to participate. (This is the first Intramurals Day that I ever participated even being a student in SPSN since 1st grade lol)
          There's even a second day and the award ceremony to attend as well.
          My sport to play in the Intramurals Day is Badminton, and I have to do my best, so that's why I played the reaction game in there so that my reaction cannot be delayed a bit or slowed down.
          I might not be able to upload until tomorrow and the day after, but when I get home, I'll try my best to upload my stories, like- sh*t.
          Anyways, wish me luck for the Intramurals Day tomorrow, my 8th Grade section Eagle, is surely gonna win this!


Hey guys, so sorry I haven't able to update all of my stories, some things had been going on with my life now, me having a tiniest crush on a certain person in real life and having a crush on a boy who doesn't exist like Izuku, my life has been a mess since this happened to me of having this stupid feelings on a boy in real life that don't even know me but seen him in person.
          A friend and a cousin of mine even said they even reminded him of Izuku and now he makes me reminded of him as well
          My cousin texted me just now about it, and it makes me even more quiet and wanting to ignore her messages
          I've been having few dreams about the boy in real life since past few days and it makes my life even harder, so I don't think I'll be able to focus myself on continuing writing my stories, but I'll try my best on updating, I just need to forget about this boy and ease my life
          It's just hard to take this. Why did I even had a crush on a 20-year-old guy that never knew all about me and that I always see from the distance?! IT JUST MAKES MY LIFE EVEN HARDER.
          Anyways, I'm sorry again for not updating my stories for you and I really wanna talk what was really going on with me since the past few days. So, I'll try my best to update
          Have a good day...


hi my name yuki nace to you love your story 
          ☺ would you like to be my friend ☺ because i do have friend this app please 


@yukirsakamura i,m Holly is me yuki ✧*。٩(^㉨^*)و✧*。


@pilipinassunshen8 happy valentines to you too!


@yukirsakamura hello and happy valentine' day to you O(∩_∩)O


Have you checked my story out


Check out my friend  SoryuSigma  his storys are amazing  me and SoryuSigma are planning a crossover between are storys when we finish the story I have the prolong and end parts wall SoryuSigma write  the mane part of the crossover so at the end of the prolong chapter of the crossover I will put the link to his crossover chapter the his link to my epilog chapter we came up with that were  planning to tie are storys together. 
            Ps it SoryuSigma spyro story we doing the crossover and my only book  on


@Shadowqueen667 So, I rhink your writing on your story is improving, and the story is good so far


Yo, readers! It's me again! So I just wanna say that I created an another Pokémon fanfic, which was crossover-ed with MHA as well (for me and my OC's sakes so don't hate it T-T), that was about Ash and Hya (as his foster older sister) in Alola region, I haven't able to update "My Hero is a... Pokémon Traner" story cuz I still have no clue or ideas for it and I'm so tired of thinking of anything else so I'm now watching Pokémon Sun and Moon again on Netflix and sometimes I watch some vlogs and listen songs on Youtube to think of any ideas.
          I tried everything I could to clear my mind to get some ideas for my story but nothing worked so far so I start watching Pokémon Sun and Moon again for my new story that has finally published chapter one.
          Anyways, I just wanna say this here to let you know why I wasn't able to publish any stories that I've been worked on for so long so yeah!
          Jaa ne minna-san!✌️


A-yo guys! Sorry I haven't been updating my other old stories recently, well, uh... I've been, like, creating new stories recently and I even forgot to write the old ones, and today, this is my um... last day of writing because today is my first day of school, well, online school and Thursday and Friday are my Face-to-Face classes. So I don't think I'll be able to update for now. So... yeah! Have a nice day and when you have schools, have an awesome school day! Jaa ne minna-san!!