I entirely started loosing motivation due to some shet,and that makes me unable to write anything. I think i will get some Character AI chatting and maybe come back with more motivation and a bit of creativity boost. But ive done one thing yesterday, that being the draft of Chapter one of "Glitching Mistake" [which is also the thing i regret even starting to write.] and i kinda just, wrote a song?... uh yeah?.. It will be at the end of "Agaianst the script" but there surely will be one to end "Wood Of Lies". Also i got two flws now les go. ;D.. PS; Posibble new chapter of "Against the script" today, since that is the only thing iam currently able to write cs i have the whole story written on paper and basically i just have it pre-scripted [pun included. also why does every character AI i chat with have tendencies to pull a knife at me? [with the exception of cross who i somehow befriended cuz iam a Proe.] Technoblade X peppa pig OTP [Joking. Technoblade is was such nice person and he will never die in my heart]